RC Scale Cars

Understanding the relativity of RC Scale Cars!

RC Scale Cars often confuse all RC prospects with regard to the way they are actually sized. Essentially, a common question on the minds of all RC prospects pertains to the way these cars are actually scaled...given the reasonable understanding that a 1/10 scale car would be always smaller than a 1/8 scale car, RC patrons find it rather perplexing when they find that the same is actually not true for RC Scale Cars under all circumstances. In this post, we look to clear the air look at, Nitro Fuel for RC Cars with regard to this particular aspect of RC Scale Cars.

Essentially, when it comes to RC Scale Cars, the fundamental aspect to understand and appreciate is the fact that these are scaled down versions of actual cars. So if you have a Hummer and have a 1/20 scale version of the same, it implies that the scaled version in question is smaller than a life size Hummer at a proportion of 1:20. Similarly a 1/8 scale of a Honda Civic or a Mitsubishi Lancer would again imply a scaled down difference of 1:8 between the real life version of these very vehicles.

Now, the lack of uniformity in relative size of these scaled down RC Scale Cars comes about, thanks to the fact that the vehicles themselves are not always the same size between themselves. For instance, a Hummer is easily one of the biggest vehicles around, much bigger than most other sedans. In such a scenario, while logic will tell you that a 1/12 or 1/20 scale should most likely be smaller than a 1/8 scale, the fact of the matter is that when the size of the actual vehicle is taken into consideration, the same does not prove to be true under all circumstances. So you could actually easily have even a 1/20 scale vehicle which is larger than a ¼ scale model since the size of the actual vehicle of which you have the 1/20 scale version is much larger than the vehicle whose ¼ scale version you have.

In fact this aspect gets manifested to an even greater extent in the case of other RC vehicles besides RC Scale Cars. For instance, you have RC submarines or aircraft carriers which are say 1/72 scale in construction and yet can easily give some of the biggest RC Scale Cars a run for their money when it comes to comparative sizes! Thus it is this aspect of differential, comparative and relative sizes that you always need to keep in mind when it comes to RC Scale Cars and know that a smaller scale version need not always be actually smaller in size when the real life size of these various scale versions is taken into consideration.

With this understanding in mind, go right ahead and enjoy RC Scale Cars to the fullest!

RC 1/10 Cars

    RC 1/4 Scale Cars

      RC 1/5 Cars

        RC 1/8 Scale Cars

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