RC Ships

RC Ships

The model category RC Ships encompasses a wide range of model types, the majority of which can't be fitted into one of the other, more specific categories. RC Ships can therefore include classic ships such as HMS Victory and the majestic Titanic, fishing trawlers and tug boats, passenger motor boats and even good old fashioned paddle steamers. Although not as popular as RC Speed Boats for example, RC Ships are great fun to sail, and this is especially true if you have a go at building try, RC Micro Helicopter your own.

Why choose an RC Ship?

Regardless of what type of RC Ship you buy, you will be guaranteed lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs' when sailing it. One of the main factors that make RC Ships worth buying is the incredible amount of detail each model includes. They may not travel through the water have a look at, RC Paddle Steamers at a great rate of knots but they do resemble the original ships perfectly, right down to the plank-on-frame construction method that most quality models work with.

Another reason for choosing RC Ships as your RC Hobby is that you personally get to build them in most cases. Of course you can buy RC Ship models as RTR - Ready to Run Models but a lot of modelling enthusiasts see the building try, RC Formula 1 Cars phase as half the fun of the project. You'll need a good degree of skill look at, RC Mining Truck though and the patience of a saint to complete your RC Ship without mishap.

3 Popular Types of RC Ship

As mentioned above there are several types of model that can fall why not visit, RC Boat Engine into the category of RC Ships but some are definitely more popular, and admired, than others.

RC Tug Boats - these powerful little RC Ships can be manufactured using fibreglass or wood why not visit, Gas Powered Remote Control Cars for the hull and are very authentic with regards to detail. Most are ready to run from the box (after charging the 7.2v rechargeable battery that is) and run with the help of a 550 motor or bigger. One charge will normally give you 20-30 minutes sailing time on calm waters. consider, TrakPower

A 1:36 scale tug boat measures between 20-25 inches in length, depending on the size of the original of course. They also, more often than not, have the power also see, RC Kits to push or pull boats and other obstructions of a similar size...which only adds to the fun of playing with them.

RC Paddle Steamers - as RC Ships go, paddle steamers are one for the real enthusiasts as it is quite difficult to find them ready to run. This means you generally have to build your own boat, add the steam engine and the radio control equipment and then trim it to perfection to make it handle as a paddle steamer should.

Saying this, the finished models are mighty impressive, and none more so than the true Mississippi riverboats. A 1:80 scale riverboat model measures around 75cm in length when complete and will set you back $350-400 for a detailed version. It will also take a few hundred hours to build as well so think carefully before taking the plunge.

RC Titanic - the mighty Titanic is an ever popular RC Ship that comes in a huge range of sizes. For those on a limited budget a 1:325 scale model will cost around $150 and the majority are supplied in kit form. For something more impressive though a 1:200 scale Titanic is the order of the day. Measuring over 1.3m in length the boat alone costs close to $900 - and that's not including the two 540 motors needed to power checkout, RC Car Robots it, the drive system, the transmission, the radio equipment, the speed controller and a power consider, RC Army Vehicles pack!

Even though a lot of the RC Ships are relatively expensive to buy they are great fun to build, great fun to sail and highly impressive on the water. , RC Scale Ducted Fan In fact why buy anything other than a collection of RC Ships?

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