RC 1/5 Cars

A bevy of RC 1/5 Cars!

RC 1/5 Cars easily find huge partake among the entire RC community, thanks to the fact that these cars are much closer to the real life size of these vehicles as compared to other smaller scaled versions such as say 1/8 or 1/12 scale cars. Perhaps that is what makes RC 1/5 Cars so hugely popular among the entire RC community. In this post, we look at some of the more popular RC 1/5 Cars currently in vogue.

HobbyTron is known to offer some truly unique, exciting and innovative RC 1/5 Cars. These are cars that are not only reasonably large in size, they are also able to perform pretty much at par to their big size, real life cousins and that is what makes these RC 1/5 Cars that much more endearing to all RC patrons. In HobbyTron's case, one model that we will look at with particular appreciation would be the RTR H5 Ford GT. Easily one of the most delectable eye candies from the company as far as drool worthy RC 1/5 Cars are concerned, the RTR H5 Ford GT comes in a completely Ready to Run state with all the necessary equipment already in place also see, Remote Control Planes such as the assembled chassis; a 3 channel FM radio; as well as an external body surface that is unmistakably recognizable as that of the real life Ford GT. Of course, given the fact that this vehicle is so big in size - only a fifth in size as the real life car, the endearment to this particular model of RC 1/5 Cars is certainly that much more.

Nutech is probably as much into the thick of things when it comes to truly mesmerizing RC 1/5 Cars that one certainly feels the rush of excitement in them, pretty much personally! A model in the case of Nutech that certainly excites in particular is the Nutech GT 5R, a 1/5 scale gas try, RC 1/8 Scale Cars powered RC car with a 23 cc CY engine. Indeed, one of the biggest conveniences of this scaled down version of the Ford Mustang is the fact that it can run on unleaded gas, look at, RC Boat Engines the same gas try, RC Model Kits used to rev up your everyday vehicles. Overall, one look at the car's exterior and you are easily very likely to fall , RC Cheap Trucks in love with it!!

Summarily, we find that the single thread binding all RC 1/5 Cars is that of gigantic proportions, of course relative to the actual size of the vehicles in question of which these are scaled down versions. By and large though, we find that RC 1/5 Cars are often based on relatively large cars and thus, the scaled down version, being only a fifth smaller, also turn out to be quite large in themselves...perhaps that is what makes RC 1/5 Cars so endearing to all RC patrons in the very first place , RC Jeeps since they can easily visualize themselves as close to the real life vehicles as possible, in the case of RC 1/5 Cars!

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