RC Hovercrafts

RC Hovercrafts

RC Hovercrafts are one of the most versatile RC models on the market today. Not only can you use a RC Hovercraft for the purpose it was intended for i.e. on the water, also look at, RC Airplane Kits you can also get them to skim over numerous other surfaces, including ice, grass, why not visit, RC Scale Boat dirt and other soft ground. This versatility makes RC Hovercrafts extremely popular with younger modellers...although this doesn't mean older folks can't have a fun time too.

Choosing your RC Hovercraft

The first thing to decide when it comes to RC Hovercrafts is 'ready to run' or 'build your own'. There are hundreds of RTR - Ready to Run Models available on the market, many of which cost less than $30 complete. For this you get a sturdy RC Hovercraft with built in radio equipment and transmitter. The functions will be a bit basic but you'll still have the ability to steer, move forward and in reverse.

Build your own RC Hovercrafts are available as complete kits or if you're feeling really adventurous you can build from scratch using a detailed set of plans. also look at, RC Nitro Cars Basic crafts why not visit, RC Construction Vehicle can be built from scratch for under $50 so it isn't like it will cost the earth checkout, RC Airplane Kits to create your own masterpiece. If you have the time available and the ability to learn new skills look at, RC Robots for Sale then this is definitely the way to get the most from your RC Hobby.

Common specifications for RC Hovercrafts

Unless you buy a ready to run model that comes straight from a box, it is safe checkout, RC Gas Boats to say that all RC Hovercrafts will be unique in some way. So, when we refer to 'common' specifications we actually mean the equipment used in the average RC Hovercraft.

Obviously larger models will use larger, more powerful motors but in general it is the norm to fit either 2 or 3 540 motors - the first for rudder control (steering), the second for forward and reverse thrust, and an optional third motor for lift control (lift of the hovercraft skirt that is).

RC Hovercrafts with two motors can be controlled with a simple RC 2-3 Channel Radio set up, however a 3-channel set up will be required if you opt for lift control as well. The vast majority of ready to run RC Hovercrafts don't have the option of lift control which means you inflate and deflate the skirt by hand. This isn't necessarily a drawback unless you are prone to loosing control of your RC Hovercraft and then it can be a godsend to be able to deflate the skirt and stop travelling!

Most RC Hovercrafts are battery powered and it is common to have at least one 7.2v battery on board. Larger models may need two such batteries, again depending on the number of motors that require power. why not visit, Micro RC Plane If you get the power look at, RC Car Robots to weight ratio right you can often create a RC Hovercraft that travels at speeds of 50mph+ and it is then that this type of RC Model really stands out in a crowd.

A bit of advice. why not visit, Robots Toys ..

Even though RC Hovercrafts aren't overly expensive it is advisable to learn the basics with a $20-30 ready to run model...just in case you accidentally have a run in with something that doesn't give way.

Once you understand the basics and learn which surfaces are safe also see, RC Gas Boats to hover on and which aren't, you can splash the cash and buy a larger, more advanced model. Then you can really show off your transition skills have a look at, RC Micro Trucks (water to land and vice versa) without making a mess of your RC Hovercrafts.

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