RC Sailplanes

RC Sailplanes, otherwise known as true gliders, are kept in the air , Robbe Models by nothing more than the air why not visit, RC plane Kits itself and the skill also look at, RC Fuels of the pilot. There are no motors in RC Sailplanes and so once launched it is the ability of the pilot to find a constant stream of warm air try, RC Quadrocopter (thermals) that keeps the model in flight. RC Sailplane flying can be split into three distinct categories:
- Thermal soaring,
- Slope soaring,
- Dynamic soaring.
Thermal Soaring
The aim, when flying RC Sailplanes, is to find pockets of air also see, DJI Phantom that are moving in an upwards direction. These warm air have a look at, RC Hobby Shops pockets are called thermals, and they move your RC Sailplane upwards at a quicker rate than gravity is pulling it back to earth. have a look at, Thunder Tiger RC Cars The ability to find major thermals is what makes RC Sailplane flying a challenge, and the more you can find the longer your flight will be.
Beginner pilots often start with powered RC Sailplanes, just until they develop the knack of locating good thermals. Powered sailplanes are a combination of glider and motor so that the motor can be activated should the model start to drop too quickly. If as a novice you can't find an adequate thermal then you can simply switch the motor on from the transmitter and take your model back up to the desired height. Once there you can return to gliding with the hope of finding warm air. , RC Motorcycles This type of RC Sailplane is also a lot easier to launch and land.
Slope Soaring
Although quite crude, this diagram shows the basic principle involved in slope soaring with RC Sailplanes. You as the pilot stand on top of a hill and launch your model off. After gliding around and down to the bottom (without crashing into the ground) the natural also look at, HobbyKing Nitro RC Bike slope of the hill will create a type of wind tunnel to propel your RC Sailplane back up towards you. This cycle can then be repeated for as long as you like or for as long as the wind remains steady and strong enough.
The bigger the hill and the steeper the gradient the more speed you can get up as your RC Sailplane glides back towards you. After a few cycles, and depending on the size of your model, you can easily be flying at speeds of 30-40 miles per hour, even with the most basic RC Sailplanes. At present the world record for this type of soaring stands at nearly 400mph - that's nearly 60mph faster than the first ever full size spitfire!
Dynamic Soaring
Dynamic soaring with RC Sailplanes is a specialised discipline that requires high strength models and a professional pilot, and as such won't be detailed here.
Launching RC Sailplanes
Launching RC Sailplanes for slope soaring is relatively easy and in most cases can be done straight from the hand. You simply stand close to the edge of the hill and release your model with a good, solid throw. Once in the air , RC Intelligent Robot your RC Sailplane should enter the area of ‘lift' directly in front of you and you're away. If when you hold your sailplane above your head it rocks about then you are too far back from the hill's edge, so just move forward until the rocking calms.
Launching for thermal soaring can be more difficult, depending on the size and weight of your RC Sailplane. There are various popular methods available though include the towline, winch methods, bungee launching and of course hand launching. You might want to try a few methods out until you find the best one for you, or until you find the one that doesn't make mincemeat out of your precious RC Sailplanes.
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