Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike

Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike

The Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is the kind of RC model that you spend years looking for. It is one of the most entertaining RC models in the market today and for those who are looking for electric checkout, ERC Model Boats RC Bike models, there is nothing that delivers more power look at, RC Car Robots and excitement than the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike. Despite being a simple electric-motor driven model, the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike has one thing that goes for it - the need for hobbyists to own something that shifts really quickly and despite the electric also see, RC Car Robots motor, the weight and materials used for the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike ensure that it retains that power try, Kids Robots and performance despite a small engine.

Understanding the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike

The Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is a solid bike and the moment you pick it up, you can feel that solidness in every single piece. Nothing rattles or shakes or moves like it shouldn't, and the bike feels like it has been made to last a long time. It weighs about 2.7kgs, which means that it is a bit on the heavier side. This weight ends up being an advantage for the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike as maintaining balance and speed, especially on turns, becomes easier. You will also notice that a majority of the weight comes in once the 2-3S Li-Po battery pack is installed as well as the Leopard 60A Electronic Speed Controller goes on-board.

The wheels of the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike are massive - the front wheel is about 160mm while the rear-wheel is about 10mm shorter. This is quite important as the bigger, heavier front wheel helps the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike remain stable all the time, especially when performing the high-flying stunts that the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is capable of. Wheelies are also a breeze to perform as the power consider, RC Robot Kits generated by the motor, its weight-distribution and the size of the wheels are just perfect for stunts of this kind.

Finally, we come to the motor, which is a Toro 540 Class 3200KV brushless motor. Now, this kind of a motor might give you decent performance on an RC car or even an RC boat. It may make the car move quite impressively but all that goes right out of the window why not visit, HPI Racing RC Cars the moment you see what it does to the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike. With the lighter bike-chassis, the engine really comes to life and the power checkout, Radio control Boat it delivers is simply mind blowing!

Heading out for a Spin on your Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike

In terms of riding conditions, the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is designed to be run on rough tracks, where there's gravel, why not visit, Gas RC Cars for Sale pebbles, dust and dirt. The bike comes with an Electronic Stability System pre-installed. The purpose of this little bit of electronics is to use the gyro-effect governor and keep the bike steady all the time. The gyro-effect governor combines with an electronic gyro and generates the necessary force required to keep the bike balanced and steady, even when standing. Initially, you might take a bit of time getting accustomed to this correction process as it is quite sudden and sharp, but once you get used to it, you will be able to push the bike to even greater limits.

Moreover, the gyro can be adjusted so if you are looking for a more stable bike, keep the rate of the gyro-rpm higher. The concept is quite simple - the quicker your gyro rotates, the more stable your Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is going to be. The Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike comes with four gyro-settings - from 8000 rpm to 12000 rpm. The lower the rpm-rating of your gyro-stabilizer the more realistic the bike will feel when you are running it.

There are many hobbyists who have given the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike a big thumbs-up when it comes to stability, performance and on-track racing. Off-the-track, the performance gets even better and despite getting beaten up by the dirt and gravel consider, OS Engines that sits on the track, the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike holds itself together with poise and control. When running this model, you cannot take your eyes off of it for one second because of the incredible way this machine moves.

The Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is one of the most powerful models out there and if you are thinking about getting something that really helps you explore the RC Bike world as well as gives you the kind of stuff you need to push yourself why not visit, HPI Racing RC Cars beyond the limits, then the Super Rider SR4 Dirt Bike is the motorcycle you need in your armoury.

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