RC PNP Airplanes

Now what are RC PNP Airplanes?
What is ‘RC PNP Airplanes' is something that would surely be foremost on your mind? After all, we seem to hear a lot about RC PNP Airplanes these days and yet seem to have very little idea as to what exactly these airplanes are. So let us look at this concept a little more closely, to try and understand exactly what are we referring to over here, as RC PNP Airplanes.
The PNP in RC PNP Airplanes essentially refers to ‘Plug N Play'. This is somewhat of a generic reference, just like the way it is made to say computers and computer peripherals wherein you plug devices and then play straightaway. In similar fashion, when it comes to RC PNP Airplanes, you essentially plug in certain parts of your airplane which are not included in the kit that you buy. These would include parts such as the receiver, the transmitter as well as the battery pack or charger.
So in a sense, RC PNP Airplanes would be somewhere in between RTF or Ready to Fly and ARF or Almost Ready to Fly RC airplanes, since they offer not as much of the parts as the former, while also not offering as little of the parts as the latter.
Now, are you wondering as to why this is done? Essentially, it is a question of convenience and cost. For instance, when you do not have the above mentioned parts included in the kit, without a doubt, the overall cost comes down considerably. At the same time, when you do not have those parts included within the kit, you also have the option to opt for your own parts. So for instance, you might want to go in for a transmitter or a receiver of your own. You might also want to use far more powerful battery packs than the ones which are typically included in these kits (if at all).
One noteworthy aspect about RC PNP Airplanes is the fact that the name per se, although used in a generic sense, is actually a trademark of Horizon Hobby, one of the biggest players in the entire RC business. What this means is that it was Horizon Hobby which first introduced RC airplanes of this type, but the trend gradually spread to other RC aircrafts as well, from other manufacturers, have a look at, RC Engines whereby the name stuck.
On the whole, from an entertainment perspective, RC PNP Airplanes offer all the necessary chills and thrills!
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