BNF Planes

Now what are BNF Planes?

BNF Planes strike many RC enthusiasts as something new altogether in the world of RC vehicles. So what exactly are they? Well, BNF Planes refer to planes which are pretty much ready to fly - and so similar to RTF RC airplanes, with a twist - all you need is a compatible transmitter which you can "bind" together to complete BNF Planes in all respects whereby you can fly them with complete panache.

We must add though that not all (or any!) RC planes can be BNF Planes; it is in fact a registered trademark of Horizon Hobby, which is one of the biggest RC vehicle manufacturing companies in the world. Horizon Hobby has taken great pains to come out with this kind of a specialized offering that caters to all RC enthusiasts in such a uniquely attractive manner.

Just as you have PNP or Plug N Play airplanes, with BNF Planes, all you need is a transmitter to which you can bind the receiver. Everything else is included within the kits which BNF Planes come in. That is the reason; the popularity of these planes is soaring with each passing day. Patrons find them immensely easy to put together and operate whereby they are taking to these RC airplanes in a very big way, anyway! Overall one can say that the difference between BNF Planes and RTF planes is minimal whereby patrons get the feel that they are anyway dealing with RTF planes here!

So what exactly are we binding here? This is a question often asked by newbies in this domain. Well, you would essentially be binding together the receiver and the transmitter - two parts of your BNF Planes which you simply cannot do without. Just make sure that you carefully follow the instructions as set forth for the transmitter. Also remember that this whole process does vary considerably from device to device. Yet, the aspect that remains constant is the fact that you need to bind the receiver and the transmitter together, as indeed the fact that these BNF Planes do come with pretty much everything else already in place, have a look at, RC Quadcopter Controller simply bind the two aforementioned parts together and you should be good to go.

It is also the reason that BNF Planes have managed to garner somewhat of a cult following of their own in recent times; owners bask in the glory of the fact that while there is not much to do at the outset to get things rolling, there is the all important aspect of binding the receiver to the transmitter in BNF Planes.

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